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Nonprofit Driven 2021: Reimagining Governance: Lessons from Our Learning Labs

Nonprofit Driven 2021: Reimagining Governance: Lessons from Our Learning Labs

Ontario Nonprofit Network

January 21, 2022

boards of directors, governance, nonprofit sector

Title card: Reimagining Governance

How can nonprofits design their governance for the future? Governance is not confined to the boardroom. Reimagining Governance has been working alongside nonprofits to experiment with a “Transformative Design Process” to enable nonprofits to explore their governance system and then intentionally design one that works for their unique circumstances. Learn more about this project, and gain insights from the labs and how your nonprofit can join the movement to disrupt the status quo. Reimagining Governance is a collaboration between the Ontario Nonprofit Network and Ignite NPS. From ONN‘s Nonprofit Driven 2021 conference.