COVID-19 HR Resources for Nonprofits
Nonprofits have faced numerous challenges during the global COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the ONN Resource Centre’s mission to support Ontario nonprofits related to the people side of their operations, we have curated a list of documents, plans, guides and checklists that address COVID-19 related human resource issues.
Whether you are managing remote work or service provision, or are planning on reopening your workplace in the near future, these resources will provide practical tools to help you deliver on your organization’s mandate.
This list provides a starting point for different HR materials and will be updated regularly. You can also use the Resource Centre’s search function to find the most up-to-date resources. This collection is a joint initiative of the Ontario Nonprofit Network and Toronto Neighbourhood Centres. Our priority was to collect resources for and by the sector, with most produced by nonprofit organizations.
Thanks to Toronto Foundation, City of Toronto, Ontario Trillium Foundation, and United Way Greater Toronto for their financial support, and HR Transformations for their contributions.
Update: We have added a number of additional resources during the summer of 2021, addressing new and emerging issues, including guidelines for social purpose/ social enterprise organizations.